These are pictures of sloth moms with their babies. 

 Female sloths find their mates when they're ready to breed, and they do it by beckoning mates to come to them.A female sloth in heat screams to attract males, which will journey toward the source of the noise in pursuit of a mate. A male sloth seeks his mate by following her calls. The male doesn't stay with her after he leaves and goes and finds more females. Female sloths are ready at 3 years old. They are ready to raise one of their own. Men are ready around 4 or 5 years old. produce only one child after a pregnancy that can last up to 10 months.  After the baby is born, it is fairly dependent on the mother for up to 9 months. When they aren't mating, sloths generally live alone. The father doesn't stay. Then when the baby is old enough, the baby sloth leaves.

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