Sloth facts:

·         spend most of there lives on branches

·         slow metabolisms for mammals of their size

·         use the bathroom a few times each month

·         Celebrate International Sloth Day on October 20.

·         The sloth is the world's slowest mammal

·         They swim (very well)

This is a video of a sloth swimming


Sloth eating leaves 


Sloths eat leaves, twigs, and fruit. Sloths grasp onto trees firmly with their claws. Sloths are herbivores. Sloths are very good swimmers.
All sloths are built for life in the treetops

 Sloths are so sedentary that they can actually grow algae on their furry backs, this helps to camouflage the animal in trees

one of the sloth memes 

 Size:23 in (58 cm)

Weight:8.75 lbs (4 kg)

Sloths are Endangered.

 turn their heads some 270 degrees.


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